WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  What’s the Biggest Co-Worker Pet Peeve?  THIS.
Workplace advice columnist Alison Green says office drama mainly originates from just one problem:  Those passive-aggressive notes.  Sometimes it’s a sticky one, on the fridge…  Sometimes it’s a full page on the printer… 

While notes are usually written to address careless or irresponsible behavior…  like stealing someone’s food…  Green says there’s an unexpected escalation factor:  The more angry the note seems, the more it tends to be ignored.  An angry note could also trigger coworkers to act even worse.

Leaving a polite note, without the underlining or all caps, is a better solution to the problem, she says.  Green adds that it’s good to avoid using exclamation marks.

Sometimes, good humor may de-escalate the bad feelings.  A funny response may help; but that, too, may come off as inappropriate or snarky.  Best to just stay out of it.  Try to remember courtesy for others.

It goes a long way, in this social-media-shade-throwing world.

Learn more, here:  (Slate)

[PS – Here are some of my favorite office notes, from the DailyFunny…  They’re funny, because they’re not ours, right?  LOL]

Weekdays with Maura Myles – Work Smarter Not Harder with Mo

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