When is too early to put your Christmas decorations up? While the Scrooges among us will be disgusted at the mere sight of a bauble before December 1, it turns out the festive fanatics are the ones having the last laugh. Those who harness their inner Buddy from the Christmas classic Elf and stick theirs up early are happier and more relaxed, according to the experts.
Steve McKeown, psychoanalyst and owner of the McKeown Clinic, said that people who start decorating as soon as they’ve blown the candle out on their Halloween pumpkin are driven by nostalgia. “In a world full of stress and anxiety, people like to associate to things that make them happy and Christmas decorations evoke those strong feelings of childhood,” he said. And past scientific research suggests another theory. Getting overexcited with your Christmas Decorations is a sign of a friendly family, according to a study. Here’s the complete story from the NY POST.

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