Massive Mystery Seaweed Creeps Toward Florida – Scientists Are Baffled
Massive Seaweed Bloom Headed for Florida Is a Mystery to Scientists

Five thousand miles long, 400 miles wide, and over six million tons, a massive bloom of seaweed is drifting toward Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.

According to ABC News, scientists at the University of South Florida, with the help of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, have been tracking the bloom of sargassum.  It’s a type of brown seaweed.  They’re using satellites to watch the dangerous progress.

This bad-bloom originated in the Atlantic Ocean.  Now it is approaching the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, posing a threat to beaches across the Gulf, including tourism-centric Florida.

When this growth hits a beach, it can pile one to two meters high on the shoreline and clog swimmable waterways, according to scientists.

If the seaweed is not removed from the beach quickly, it will begin to rot, emitting hydrogen sulfide gas, most associated with the smell of rotting eggs.  And it can irritate skin, eyes, and the throat, as well as make breathing difficult for those who have asthma.

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