FRISKY FRIDAY FEMALE-FEELS:  She Can’t Enjoy the Big O?  She May Need a Weed Card
Could You Get a Weed Card for a Lack of Orgasms?  
OK, first, it’s a question you might not have ever heard or thought of…  Second, how many is not enough?  But, it’s worth investigating.
Four states are considering allowing female orgasmic disorder on the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.  These states are: Ohio; Illinois; Connecticut; and New Mexico.

Sexologist Suzanne Mulvehill says research, from as far back as the 1970s, supports the idea that weed can help women achieve the big O.  According to her dissertation, about half of women could suffer from the disorder.

Women with FOD tend to also have more issues with anxiety, depression, and PTSD.  “It’s not just about pleasure, it’s about a human right,” Mulvehill said.  “It’s a medical condition that deserves medical treatment.”

(Sniff out a little more, here:  Marijuana Moment)

Frisky Fridays in Mo’s Country Club on WCCQ

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