You Did This as a Kid – But NOW Realize How Dangerous It Was

It’s normal to feel hyper-protective of kids, but think back on all the crazy stuff YOU did, and you made it through, okay…  Well, mostly.

Buzzfeed has a list of things people say they did as kids, and then later, as adults, realized were really dangerous.

The highlights include:

Catching and playing with spiders – shooting fireworks at friends – destroying stuff in old buildings with asbestos – goofing around with lawn darts (which it’s STILL hard to believe existed in the first place)

Jumping off the roofs and lofts of sheds and barns – putting a car in neutral while in a parking lot – messing around on streets or roads at night…

Climbing more than 12 feet up a tree – fooling around on staircases – walking out on a frozen pool or pond – and sticking things in electrical outlets.

Dare you to get more, here:  (Buzzfeed)


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