WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Missing Breakfast Could Kill You?

It might sound like an exaggeration, but skipping breakfast could kill you.

Well, we’ve all heard that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” a new study suggests it’s even more important than we might think.  In fact, skipping breakfast, serially (pardon the pun), could end up killing you.

Researchers at Mount Sinai have found that missing that first meal – not breaking your nighttime fast (well, that’s how we got the name “break fast”) – can be detrimental, when it comes to fighting off infection and increase your risk of heart disease.

And this might “bowl you over“:  It’s because hunger triggers a response in the brain, which has a negative effect on immune cells, according to the study’s findings.

The researchers say, there’s a growing awareness that fasting is (when done correctly) healthy.  And there is, indeed, abundant evidence for the benefits of fasting, some of the time, according to the lead researcher, who adds:  “Our study provides a word of caution, as it suggests there may also be a cost of fasting, that carries a health risk.” 

So, it might not be so good,  if you miss that first meal.  If you haven’t, it might be good to “butter up” to breakfast – even just a little bite or two.

Weekdays with Maura Myles – Work Smarter Not Harder with Mo

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