As Santa Claus finished making his annual, global, Christmas Eve trek, NORAD reported that he’d made more than 5.1 billion deliveries – some with multiple presents – and that was by 9:30 p.m., our time [10:30 p.m. EST].

NORAD radar had shown a solid, reliable image of the jolly old Kris Kringle, as he arrived in Aruba.  And, at that time, his itinerary had been showing plans to visit the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil, next.

Santa arrived in the U.S. on time, a few hours after that.  He criss-crossed his way across the states, to a record number of American homes, between midnight and 2 a.m. [3 a.m. EST], according to NORAD reports.

We all hope he’s had a warm meal and a hot bath and gets a goooood, long nap, now!  Congratulations, record-setting Santa.  You really came through, for a Covid Christmas.

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