Keith Urban & Nicole Kidman:  Here’s the Unusual Rule for their Marriage Success

Nicole Kidman Shares Unconventional Rule for her Marriage with Keith Urban

Though they’re living in double superstar spotlight, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have maintained a successful relationship since 2006, with one key rule:  No texting between them.

Kidman initiated this agreement, preferring voice communication over text messages.  And, she may really be on to something, for a couple of reasons.

Research shows that calling can foster a stronger connection between partners; but it may also lead to anxiety.  “We just do ‘voice to voice or skin to skin,’ as we always say.  We talk all the time and we FaceTime but we just don’t text, because I feel like texting can be misrepresentative at times…  I don’t want that between my lover and (me),” she told Parade.  A little dramatic?  Well, she’s an Academy Award winner…  LOL

Ultimately, establishing communication rules, which work for both partners, is crucial for relationship longevity.

Urban advises that every couple should figure out what works best for them, whether it involves texting or not.

This is also a good rule for celebrities who don’t want their personal messages seen nor sold.

Frisky Fridays in Mo’s Country Club on WCCQ


Do you and your partner have communication rules?

What works for you?

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