Guess How Many Harmful Effects We Suffer from Social Media…
A Review Of Research Into Social Media Use Identifies 46 Harmful Effects 

Using social media isn’t a risk-free activity.  In fact, it hurts us in many ways.

University of Technology Sydney reviewed more than 50 research articles about social media use, and were able to break down 46 negative effects into six themes:

1) cost of social exchange (depression, anxiety or jealousy, and/or wasted time, energy, and money),

2) annoying content (content that annoys, upsets, or irritates- including disturbing, or obscene content),

3) privacy concerns (any threats to personal privacy),

4) security threats (harms from fraud or deception),

5) cyberbullying (abuse or harassment by groups or individuals such as abusive messages, lying, stalking, or spreading rumors), and

6) poor performance (negative impact on job or academic performance).

Researcher Dr. Eila Erfani adds, “The World Health Organization has recognized the need for further research on information technology addiction and the need to develop strategies for preventing and treating this problem.”
Learn more, here:  (EurekAlert!)

  • Researchers reviewed over 50 studies about social media use, and found 46 negative effects which they broke down into six themes, including “cost of social exchange” which refers to the negative emotional and physical effects using social media can have such as anxiety, depression, jealousy and/or wasted time, energy, and money

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