At What AGE Do You Become Your Dad?

A from the survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by Omaha Steaks: men feel like they start becoming their father at age 37. That’s when you start hearing the things coming out of your mouth and you say, “Oh, my God, I sound just like my dad.” Here are the top things men feel like they inherit from their fathers:

– Take grilling very seriously.
– Repair things instead of buy them new.
– Get really into corny jokes.
– Tell your kids to ask their mother.
– Falling asleep on the couch with the game on.
– Grunt when you get off the couch.
– Mute commercials.
– Love to mow the lawn.
– Don’t like when people touch the thermostat.
– Finish everyone else’s plate at a restaurant.

Here’s the complete story from the NY POST.

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