Absolutely Resist Delicious Smelling Food?  Yep.  Try “Scents Sense.”

“SCENTS SENSE” …  It’s easier than you think, to say “no, thanks,” to the smell of a yummy sizzle!  Or even what’s baking in the oven.

For example, it can be tough to resist a slice of pizza, when it’s right in front of you.  But a new study reveals that, if you just smell it, for about two minutes, your craving will pass.

University of Florida researchers exposed a group of participants to the scents of strawberries, apples, biscuits or pizza.  They found that those who sniffed the unhealthy options, for less than 30 seconds, were more likely to want them.  However, if they sniffed the “no-no’s” for more than two minutes, they stopped finding them desirable.  PLUS:  Instead, they actually craved the fruit.

Experts say the finding suggests that air freshener manufacturers could develop food-scented treats (like “bacon” or “bread” or “cake,” to curb our urges to eat unhealthy foods.  This could, in turn, curb our American obesity epidemic.

[So, light up that candle, which smells like “Birthday Cake,” and let your “Birthday Suit” look a lot better.  😉     ~ Mo  ]

Read the full Daily Mail article, HERE.

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