WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Working from Home May Hurt Your Career

Working form home could be bad for your career…

A team of U.K.-based business psychologists, at OE Cam, say that those who work from home are often missing out on opportunities, which are given to their colleagues, who work in the office, and that means they are less likely to be given a promotion.

The study findings also suggest that those who work remotely will be put at a disadvantage, because they are left “unnoticed, without a voice or the ability to contribute or progress.”

They say those who see their boss day-to-day in the office have “present privilege” or, are more likely to be involved in spontaneous discussions in the office.  And they have better access to the boss—meaning they are “more front of mind for that promotion.”

OE Cam’s manager partner, Martyn Sakol, says businesses must be mindful – to protect those who work from home, from “losing their voice, their ability to contribute effectively to the business and their chance of promotion, firms must take active steps.”

See more, here:  (Daily Mail)

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