WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Taking Acetaminophen May Make You Want to Take Risks

Taking acetaminophen makes you want to take more risks, according to a new study.  Researchers have found that people who take the equivalent of the brand name drug, Tylenol, were more willing to take risks – like speaking up with an unpopular opinion at work – or bungee jumping off of a tall bridge.


Of all the drugs you can take, which may lower your inhibitions or make you do crazy things, THIS is one you may not expect:  It’s the one which is called by different brand names, like “Tylenol.”  It’s acetaminophen.

According to a new study out of Ohio State University, taking it makes you want to take more risks.

People who took acetaminophen . . . which is the key ingredient in Tylenol . . . were more willing to take risks, like speaking up with an unpopular opinion at work or bungee jumping off of a tall bridge.  Wait, WHAT?!!  Yes.

The researchers say there’s something in it which makes you less worried about risk.  And almost one in four Americans take it, every week.

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