WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Get in the Garden and Feel Happier – Even Eat Better
Spending Time in Green Spaces and Tending to Plants Can Increase your Well-Being  
It seems gardeners are happier – and, likely, healthier.
BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine polled people, and found that 55-percent of gardeners said they were satisfied with their life, compared to 39 percent of non-gardeners.
Also, 54-percent of gardeners reported feeling happier the previous day, compared to 45-percent of those who did not garden.
Experts say gardening enthusiasts benefit from getting out into nature.  And if they have a vegetable patch, gain the advantage of potentially eating more healthy foods.
It’s also thought that gardeners gain a sense of purpose, from seeing their carefully nurtured plants flower.
BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine editor, Lucy Hall, says, “The results of our survey demonstrate what we’ve seen anecdotally over the last two years—that gardening and gardens play a vital role in promoting wellbeing and happiness.  Throughout the pandemic, the popularity of gardening and visiting parks and open space rose dramatically as people connected with nature.”

Dig up more, here:  (Daily Mail)

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