Turkey Day Traditions – Only a Little Different – CDC Releases Thanksgiving Guidelines

As pandemic concern continues, and we look ahead to the Fall and Winter holidays, new guidelines are out, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – to help us Work Smarter Not Harder on our Thanksgiving plans.

Officials have divided up traditional turkey day activities into three categories:  lower risk, moderate risk, and higher risk.

Let’s start with the higher risk activities they want you to skip this year – no unnecessary traveling, no shopping in crowded stores, no taking part in “fun runs” or races (those are mostly going virtual, anyway), don’t attend parades (most are cancelled or will only be offered to a television audience – like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade), don’t attend any other large indoor gatherings.

In the moderate risk category – pumpkin patches, orchards and having a small outdoor dinner with friends and family in your community.

Finally, the lower risk activities:  having dinner with people you already live with, shopping online, and watching sports from the comfort of your couch.

Wait…  That actually sounds like a pretty good Thanksgiving plan…  Football?  FaceTime?  Cool.

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