Study Claims Thick Thighs Really Do Save Lives

Quit fretting over your shapely thighs and hips—they may help extend your life! A recent study by the medical journal BMJ found that bigger hips and thighs are associated with a lower risk of early death. Researchers tracked over 2 million people over the course of 3-24 years, asking participants to measure key parts of their body like waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body shapes; the study showed that a four-inch increase in waist circumference was associated with a 11 percent increased risk of mortality, where a four-inch increase in hip circumference was associated with a 10 percent lower risk of mortality. The study confirms the theory that the more fat you carry around in belly weight, the more likely you are to die early of any cause. The main recommendation: eat fruits and veggies, and walk! Here’s the complete story from