Some scientists believe they may’ve solved the problem of STINKING FEET.  They’ve created a, quote, “breakthrough” nanoparticle to add to socks to keep odors down AND treat the bacteria that causes the smell.  There’s no word on when these socks might hit the market.


There are plenty of things to worry about right now.  At least let’s cross this one off the list.

Scientists in Thailand believe they may’ve solved the problem of STINKING FEET.

They created a, quote, “breakthroughzinc oxide nanoparticle…  It can be added to socks to keep your odors contained AND treat the bacteria which causes the stank, in the first place.

There’s no word when it might come to market.  But, hopefully, sooner, rather than later.

Tiptoe over here, for more…  maybe even some footage…  (Study Finds)

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