NOAA Releases Winter Weather Predictions for U.S. – Midwest May Feel Less Freeze
NOAA Releases Winter Weather Predictions for U.S.
Midwest May Feel Warmer Than Usual, but Wetter

Winter will be here, before we know it.  But the forecast has already arrived.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has put together a list of what the experts believe is the most-likely weather pattern we’ll see this winter.

NOAA foresees a warmer than average winter for much of the country.

The South and the Gulf Coast have the strongest probability of a warmer-than-usual winter.

The Southwest, much of the Midwest, and the Northeast also may expect a warmer winter.

Meanwhile, the Pacific Northwest, Montana and the western half of the Dakotas are likely to see a colder-than-average winter.

Northern California, Wyoming, and Minnesota look like they will see normal temperatures.

As far as precipitation, the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes region are most likely to see a wetter-than-average winter this year.

The Northern Rockies, parts of New York, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Missouri may also see more precipitation.

The southern half of the country is looking at drier conditions, especially the Southwest, Florida and southern Georgia.

For the second winter in a row, La Nina conditions are forecast to affect winter weather.  John Gottschalck, chief of NOAA’s operational prediction branch, says the predictions are based on probability, and that other outcomes are possible.

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  • The NOAA has put together of the most probable weather for the US this winter—they’re predicting much of the country will have a warmer-than-usual winter, but those in the Pacific Northwest, Montana and the western half of the Dakotas are likely to see a colder-than-average winter

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