Kelsea Ballerini Opens Up About her Eating Disorder

Kelsea Ballerini reveals that she’s struggled with an eating disorder.  It started in high school when boys called her “kangaroo” because of her “belly and little legs” . . . and it was compounded by her parents’ divorce.  Fortunately, she got help and is in a “healthier place now.”


Kelsea Ballerini‘s new book of poetry, Feel Your Way Through, came out yesterday.  If you want to know more about her, this is the book.  She opens up about family, relationships, body image, self-love, and sexuality.

One poem, “Kangaroo”, reveals how she’s struggled with an eating disorder.  Like many girls she had “body image issues” when she was a teen and they were intensified when boys at school started calling her “kangaroo,” because of her “belly and little legs.”

She was already in a bad place because she was dealing with her parents’ divorce.  She began taking diet pills, was bulimic, worked out excessively, and even started passing out.  Kelsea was 18 when she finally got help.

Ballerini says, quote, “I’m in a healthier spot now, and I’m much more gentle with how I talk to myself and my body.  I’ve re-calibrated what it means to look in the mirror and be like, ‘I’m healthy.  Those are things that matter, rather than:  ‘I look skinny in a dress.'”

She hopes the book will help others.  Quote, “When you’re able to talk about things, you can feel shame and keep it hidden, or you can be vulnerable and connect with people and heal together.  That’s why I air out a couple of my dark secrets in this book.”

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