Grab the Goggles and Git ‘Em on Grandma and Grandpa?

Study Finds Senior Citizens Love Virtual Reality and Find It Helpful

While advancements in technology usually leave older people behind, or confused, this doesn’t have to be the case, according to a new study.

Conducted by Stanford University in 17 senior communities around the country, the study involved 245 participants between the ages of 65 and 103, all of whom were set up with virtual reality devices, researchers say.

The study found the experience not only helped them deal with their emotions better, but it also improved their interactions with other people.

For the majority of our respondents, it was their first time using virtual reality,” says lead author Ryan Moore.  “They enjoyed it.  They were likely to recommend it to others, and they looked forward to doing it again.”

The study found that after their VR experiences, 60-percent of the participants said they felt less isolated; almost 80-percent had better attitudes; and 95-percent said the experience enhanced their relationships with other seniors.

We are proving VR to be a tool that really does help with the well-being of our elders,” says expert Chris Brickler.  “It is far different than a two-dimensional television or an iPad.

Have you ever let a senior citizen check out your VR headset?  How did he or she react?

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