FRISKY FRIDAY FOLKSY:  Which U.S. Accent Is Sexier – Chicago or the South?

According to social media, which are America’s most attractive accents?

Well, new report from dives into the online mentions surrounding American’s 50 most common accents, breaking down the number of posts praising the accent in some way.

The Chicago accent has been revealed to be considered the 8th most attractive accent in America.

Below are the top 10 accents, as per the findings:

  1. Southern – 76,950 mentions
  2. New York – 70,460 mentions
  3. Californian – 45,360 mentions
  4. Texan – 42,330 mentions
  5. Boston – 34,110 mentions
  6. Midwestern – 33,000 mentions
  7. Miami – 21,450 mentions
  8. Chicago – 20,990 mentions
  9. Minnesotan – 16,160 mentions
  10. New Orleans – 15,590 mentions

For more information on the study, please visit the site here:

Frisky Fridays in Mo’s Country Club on WCCQ


To find out which accents are the most attractive across the U.S., the team at conducted social listening research through the platform Brandwatch.

Analyzing the top 50 most common accents, the platform highlighted every mention of each accent online over the past year, breaking down how many of these posts were praising the accent in some way.  Any online post mentioning the accent alongside words such as attractive, sexy, charming and many more, were counted to create the final figure. The higher the figure, the more attractive the accent.

Keywords used: (“sexiest” OR “charming” OR “attractive” OR “sexy” OR “hot” OR “erotic” OR “naughty” OR “provocative” OR “seductive” OR “sensual” OR “sensuous” OR “suggestive” OR “titillating”).

This data was collected between February 2023 – February 2024.

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