The Most-Searched-for Cosmetic Procedures in 2020… Botox, Butt Lifts, & Boob Jobs

The most-searched-for cosmetic procedures this year are Botox injections, liposuction, tummy tucks, butt lifts, and nose jobs.

The pandemic has led to a major plastic surgery boom.  Doctors say people are getting surgery now – because, with no place to go, they have time to stay home and heal.  And hardly anyone knows what happened.

After a year of eating, sitting on the couch, and staring at ourselves on Zoom…  It all gets a little more understandable.  Plus, time to recover without anyone seeing all that…

A new report looked at the most-searched-for cosmetic procedures in 2020.  Here are the top ten in the U.S., right now:

1.  Botox injections.

2.  Liposuction.

3.  Tummy tucks.

4.  Brazilian butt lifts.

5.  Nose jobs.

6.  Boob jobs.

7.  Hair transplants.

8.  Lip fillers.

9.  Mommy makeover surgery.  That’s more than one thing.  It’s when new moms combine things like breast lifts, tummy tucks, and liposuction.

10.  Breast reduction surgery.

See more, here:  (Fox News)  

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