FRISKY FRIDAY FERTILITY:  More Babies Are Conceived at the Holidays – But WHY?
Study:  Here’s Why More Babies Are Conceived over the Holidays
It’s no surprise that more babies are conceived over holidays, which brings an annual summer baby boom.  It’s easy to assume that adults are spending more time together over the holidays…  But a study, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, suggests that a biological component may be at play.

Researchers found that male sperm favors colder temperatures, and sperm quality improves in the winter.  Men with normal sperm production were found to have the healthiest sperm in winter and early spring.

Winter sperm were also faster.

Additionally, ovums were found to be more “receptive” to sperm in the wintertime.

And, here, I thought it would be more because of getting stuck inside, during a blizzard, or something like that.  😉

(Conceive of a little more, here:

Frisky Fridays in Mo’s Country Club on WCCQ

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