FRISKY FRIDAY ALERT:  5 Signs You Should NOT Go on a Second Date

So romantic:  The idea of “love at first sight”

But, first dates are usually more about seeing if someone just meets some criteria for a SECOND date.

So here are some signs that you may want to move along to the next candidate.

1.  NEGATIVE…  They badmouth their ex.  If that’s how they talk about them, it’s probably how they’ll talk about you, sooner or later.

2.  SELFISH…  They only talk about themselves.  They might just be nervous.  But if it’s an ongoing thing, they’re probably not worth it.  And they almost definitely have a big ego.

3.  IMPOLITE…  They’re rude to the waiter.  Best case scenario:  They’re just nervous and want to impress you by making sure everything goes well.  But chances are they’re just a jerk.

4.  SLOSHY…  They drink too much.  A couple drinks can loosen you up.  And it’s not uncommon to drink a little too much when you’re nervous.  But it’s never a good sign if they get fall-down DRUNK on your first date.

5.  DISTRACTED…  If someone can’t put down the phone, to take time to actually visit with you, that person probably doesn’t deserve much more of your attention.

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