Eight “Meh” Things – Which Now Feel Like “Adventures” – after a Year of COVID

Eight Lame Things That Feel Like “Adventures” After a Year of COVID

A new survey looked at boring things we now see as “adventurous” because we’ve been cooped up for so long.  For example, 39% of people say trying a new recipe is adventurous.  And one in three say watching a new TV show is, too.


I think we’d all agree that something like riding a rollercoaster NAKED qualifies as “adventurous.”  But what about this stuff?  Has the pandemic made us all lame?

A new survey looked at what qualifies as an “adventure,” now that we’ve all been cooped up for a year.  And some of them are pretty iffy.  Here’s a list of things we now consider to be a little daring…  even, adventurous:

1.  Trying a new recipe.  39% said it’s adventurous.

2.  Eating outside, 34%.

3.  Watching a new TV show or movie, 33%.

4.  Taking the long way home, 30%.

5.  Ordering from a new restaurant, 29%.

6.  Choosing a new book to read, 26%.

7.  Staying up past your normal bedtime, 25%.

8.  Trying a food that’s spicier than you’re used to, 20%.

Got a taste for more?  Check in, here:  (SWNS)

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