Check Out the Top Things which Instantly Make Us Smile – Especially #10

A survey reveals the top things which can instantly put a smile on your face include hearing some good news, making someone else smile, hearing a joke, being surprised, and listening to music – right here on WCCQ.


Does seeing someone else who’s happy make YOU happier?  Over half of people in a new poll said yes.  Here’s a great way to WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER (really, LIVE smarter, happier).  These are the Top 10 things that can instantly put a smile on your face:

1.  Hearing some good news.

2.  Seeing someone else smile.

3.  Hanging out with friends or family you haven’t seen in a while.

4.  Making someone ELSE smile.

5.  A good joke.

6.  Quality time with your family.

7.  Surprises.

8.  Seeing a baby smile or laugh.

9.  Compliments from strangers.

10.  Listening to music – like WCCQ!

Wanna see more?  Take a look, here:  (Express)

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