Butterball Serves Up Your ‘Turkey Talk-Line’

Putting on a holiday dinner is no small job; so if you need some back up, the help-line is back up!

The Butterball Turkey Talk-Line is back, and is now open.

Call 1-800-BUTTERBALL, or text 844-877-3456, or contact them via Alexa-enabled devices by saying, “Alexa, ask Butterball…

You can also contact the line via social media, or browse the online portal for tips, tricks, and various calculators – to help you figure out how long to thaw and cook your bird, as well as how many pounds your turkey should be in the first place.

There are also lots of recipes available on the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line website for the turkey and all the sides, as well as desserts.

Butterball first started the Talk-Line in 1981.

Reach here, for more:  (TheTakeout)

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