WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  25% Of Americans Will Be Senior Citizens By 2060
America will keep getting grayer, wrinklier, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  Officials say a rise of life expectancy means that, by the year 2060, a quarter of all Americans will be over the age of 65…  One-out-of-four of us.
Experts predict an average life expectancy of 85 years, by that time, due to advances in medicine and vaccines, along with a reduction of smoking.

The Census Bureau also predicts a U.S. population of about 447 million by 2060.  And it predicts a more racially diverse future; with caucasian people making up less than half of the population, by 2045, or possibly sooner.

So, experts recommend you begin to tailor your life toward habits which will make this trend easier.  Look at making some changes in your personal, professional and family roles.

For example, start gearing your business toward serving clientele who are a little bit older, in a better way.  Gear toward serving people of every color.

Perhaps you will find ways to improve your own health – especially since the retirement age will likely rise to 70 or 75, by then.

A major advantage of the longer life-expectancy to come, is that science and technology will be providing us with better devices and services to manage our advancing age.  Some amazing tools are already becoming available to seniors – you will likely be very surprised – click HERE, to see what’s developing right now, according to CNBC.  Seven major new technologicial tools could change your family life, right NOW, by helping a senior citizen whom you love.

[This is a picture of my own father and my own son, in my old Chicago “Two Flat.”  LOL  ~ Mo]

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