What’s something small that can really make your day?  Researchers gave people a huge list of options, and asked them to rank each one.  Here are the top ten:

1.  A bright blue sky on a sunny day.

2.  Seeing a beautiful landscape.

3.  Kittens and puppies.

4.  Sitting in your house or apartment right after you’ve cleaned it.

5.  Going out for a nice dinner.

6.  Receiving a compliment.

7.  Someone smiling at you.

8.  Booking a vacation.

9.  Cuddling or hanging out with a loved one.

10.  Thinking back on fond memories.

A few more that just missed the top ten were finding money in your pocket . . . random acts of kindness . . . seeing an old friend . . . and hearing another great song come on WCCQ.

Learn more, here:  Mirror)

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