What the Hay?

Three giant hay bales were intentionally placed by someone or perhaps several people with super-human strength, along the Hammel Woods’ DuPage River Access.  Will County Forest Preserve employees are baffled about the details of Tuesday’s strange discovery. A reader of the Joliet Patch named Mitch notified the editor that the hay bales were blocking the Hammel Woods bike trail. While enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery, I came upon this. Not sure if this was the work of pranksters or a disgruntled baler. Either way, it’s a hazard for both those walking and cycling. Total of 3 bails on the trail,” Mitch wrote. Each of the bales easily could weigh over a ton, which is 2,000 lbs.

Deputy Police Chief David Barrios said “No comment,” and began to laugh “One time, years ago, he said, the Forest Preserve Police discovered that a group of pranksters managed to stack about 10 red-colored wooden picnic tables, one on top of each other”.  That memorable prank happened in New Lenox at the Hickory Creek Nature Preserve.


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