How Did Covid Warp Our Sense of Time?  It’s a Matter of Perception…
Among experts, not many question that lockdown did warp time for us; so it’s really a matter of how.

People say that time is relative.  And the saying goes, when it comes to life-altering circumstances, like the global pandemic.

Many people’s perception of time was altered; after they were stuck at home, for hours on end, with roommates, children, and work-from-home orders.  This was a concentrated experience, during the height of lockdown.

So, here’s why it happens:  “When life changes, time changes,” says a psychologist, who led several global surveys during the darkest days of the pandemic.

The researcher found that worry, about things out of our control, which alter our routines, can warp time and make things appear slower.

Learn more, here:  (NPR)

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