FRISKY FRIDAY FOTO:  Pick THIS Pic for your Dating Profile Portrait
Study:  Dogs Could Help You Get Your Next Date

Trying to pick a dating profile picture?  You might want to pick one with some fur in it…

A recent survey of 1,000 British adults shows that two out of three (67%) of people are more likely to match with someone whose profile features a dog.

And:  60% believe owning a dog is a good sign that someone is ready for a committed relationship.

Don’t have a puppy pal of your own?  Borrow someone else’s…  It happens!  About half of respondents said they would borrow or babysit a family or friend’s dog, just for their profile photo.

So, be sure to ask your potential date if that’s his or her own best furry friend.  😉

Sniff out more, here:  (

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