Microsoft just filed a patent for a new sensor that monitors people’s body language during meetings . . . to figure out how BORED they are.  There’s no word on when they might roll it out to the public.


THANKS, MICROSOFT.  Imagine a world in which we all have to consistently act like we’re not about to literally collapse from boredom during meetings…  LOL.  OK, maybe it’s not always that bad; but sometimes, it’s the hardest challenge, ever.  So, good luck, going forward.

Microsoft just filed a patent for a new sensor that monitors people’s body language during meetings.  The sensors would also watch people’s facial expressions and analyze their speech patterns . . . and then figure out how BORED they are.

They’re saying this could be a way for BOSSES to know if they should improve their meetings and make them more engaging.  But I get the feeling it would be used more to punish employees than make bosses spend even two seconds being self-reflective.

Anyway, there’s no word on when Microsoft might roll this out to the public.  So, it could already be in testing?  Oh boy.

Check out more, here:  (BBC)  

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