Roy Gregory had a chance to visit his son in Aviano, Italy the past couple of weeks. He managed to visit lots of cool places like Paris, Venice, Pula, Croatia, and more. Roy explains he had a great time touring around seeing the sites, but is happy to be home!

Roy loved Venice, Italy. Another One of a Kind City!

This picture was taken at Dolomiti National Park in Belluna, Italy

Looking out of the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Looking into the Eiffel Tower from the bottom

Notre Dame selfie

Here’s Roy in front of the Arena in Pula, Croatia

Sunset in Pula, Croatia

Hanging out at Lake Barcis, Italy (check out the color of the water!)


Best meal I had was in Paris at a place called Les Beurre Noisette. This was a pastry made with Comte cheese. 

The Eiffel Tower at Night