WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Pandemic Pounds…  Here’s How to Start Losing Them

Trying to Lose the Pandemic Pounds?  As the pandemic has raged on so has the battle of the bulge.

With more of us staying home and binge-watching Netflix, many have put on some weight, in the last few months (and shattered their New Year goals, in the process).

If you’ve always struggled with your weight the pandemic pounds maybe just another obstacle.  However, if you’ve never had a weight problem, packing on the pounds during quarantine can be eye-opening.

Here are some ways to get back on track to a healthy lifestyle:  Up your activity, go for walks (this not only helps your waistline but improves your mental health, your happiness).  Instead of letting the dog out, walk her.  Rather than sit out back, ride your bike around the block – or get out and garden, while you can.  Be kind to yourself and prioritize your healthEat small, healthy meals and don’t forget that it’s okay to indulge periodically.  Just don’t have that bag of chips or chocolate bar, every day.  Maybe cream cheese on celery, instead of butter on toast?  …Still crunchy!

Plus, trying to lose those pounds will be easier – if your partner does it, with you.  Researchers in the Netherlands now know that couples, who try to lose weight together, are almost three times more likely to be successful, than those who try to lose weight on their own.

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