One-out-of-Three of Us Say our Car Is So Messy – There’s No Room for a Passenger!

One-third of people say their cars are so full of junk, there’s really not any room for PASSENGERS, according to a new survey.  And 10% of people can’t remember the last time they cleaned their car.


Has your car become a storage unit?  And not a well-organized one, either?

According to a new survey, one-third of us say that our cars are so full of junk, there’s really not any room for a PASSENGER.  Wait, what?!

The survey also reveals that 19% of us (one out of 5!) haven’t cleaned that car, at all, in the past three months . . . and 10% (one in ten) don’t even remember the last time they cleaned it.

And finally, more than half of us have spilled a drink on the seat of that car – or on the floor.

Turn here, for more:  (Study Finds)

[PS  This is my car.  I am a fanatic about keeping it clean.  Been married to the guy who didn’t…  ugh.  ~ Mo]

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