LIVE SMARTER NOT HARDER:  Reduce your Shot at Getting Struck by Lightning
FLASH:  Here’s How to Not Get Struck by Lightning
What are the best ways to stay safe during a lightning storm?

If you can hear thunder, then lightning is close enough to strike.

Once you hear those rumbles, get inside a substantial building…  not an outdoor shed or dugout.

Once you’re in a building, stay off corded phones, computers, or electronics, which are directly contacting electricity, such as through a cord/plug.

Avoid windows, and don’t lie low on concrete.

If you’re in a car, it’s better to stay in it, than get outside.  If you’re travelling, pull over to park your car under a shelter from hail, whether an overpass or, better, a gas station pumping / carwash area.  Don’t drive through standing water.

If you’re swimming and hear thunder, get out of the water immediately.

For more tips about how to stay safe, during a storm, visit the National Weather Service online.

There’s more, here:  (NY Post)

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