LIVE SMARTER NOT HARDER:  ‘Glass Half Full’ Thinking Adds Up to Better, Longer Living
Science:  How Your Optimism Can Help You Live Longer – and Better

There’s something to be said for looking at the bright side.  In 2019, Boston University researchers found evidence that suggests optimistic people live longer than pessimists—and those who scored higher on an optimism assessment were more likely to live past the age of 85.

This echoes results from a study (ended in 2004) which found that people with higher optimism levels, at the start of the study, were more likely to be physically active and less likely to have health conditions.  And when they looked  beyond those factors, there was still a link between optimism and a longer life span.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine have found that people who have a family history of heart disease, but have  a positive outlook, are one-third less likely to have a heart attack (or other cardiovascular event), within five to 25, years compared to those with a more negative outlook.

The finding held, even in people with family history, who had the most risk factors for coronary artery disease.  What’s not clear, is if an optimistic outlook facilitates more healthy habits, or vice versa.

Whatever the case, it seems there’s something to be gained from having a positive outlook, which can be achieved by doing simple things such as going outside, scheduling Zoom calls with loved ones or even scheduling other daily activities—you could also try keeping a gratitude journal.

Enjoy more, here:  (Yahoo)

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