Josh Turner loves reading about history, because it gives him perspective.  Yes, things may be bad now, but they could be much worse.  


If you think 2020 is the worst year ever, history geek JOSH TURNER says, not so fast.  Turner reminds us that there have been a lot of pandemics, and they had it worse.  They were in the dark about what it was, and what to do.

Quote, “I’m a student of history.  I love history, and if you know anything about years prior to the pandemic you know that there’s been a lot of hard times throughout history for people. 

“There’s been a variety of ways we’ve suffered through a lot of things, and this is a tough time.  People were out of work, afraid to go out of their house.  They were afraid to get sick.” 

His point is that things may be bad, but we WILL get through this.  There will be a time when we look back at our own history . . . and this will be a part of it, but not all of it.

Check out more, here:  (Everything Nash)

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