Getting More Popular:  Naming Kids after Herbs and Spices – But Not ‘Herb’

It’s getting more popular to name kids after HERBS and SPICES according to data from the Social Security Administration.  Some of the top names are:  Sage . . . Juniper . . . Jasmine . . . Basil . . . and Poppy.


If you’re looking for inspiration for baby names, maybe your answer is right there, in your spice rack?

It seems like it’s getting more popular to name kids after HERBS and SPICES.  If you look at the data from the Social Security Administration, there are lots of those names starting to come up.

Here were some of the most popular ones from 2019, which is the most recent year that’s available . . .

1.  Sage.  666 boys, 1,164 girls.

2.  Juniper. 22 boys, 1,526 girls.

3.  Jasmine.  2,092 girls.

4.  Basil. 71 boys, 28 girls.

5.  Poppy.  628 girls.

There were also at least five babies named:  Thyme . . . Saffron . . . Curry . . . Clove . . . Cayenne . . . Anise . . . and Mace.

Got a taste for a little more?  Sample this:  (Huffington Post)

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