Elon Musk to Buy Country Music (Like Twitter) for $89 Billion – No – Not Really

Appropriately the headline “Elon Musk To Buy County Music for $89 Billion,” is hard to believe, because it’s not true.

According to SavingCountryMusic.com, who made up this statement and falsely attributed it to Musk:  “I also want to make country music better than ever by bringing back the twang and roots, the quality songwriting of the past, giving independent artists equal footing, finally defeating Bro-Country, and making sure all the performers are authentic.”

While it may sound good to some, again, it isn’t true.

The reason for the clickbait is the website’s claims that country artists are being shadowbanned, suppressed, and expelled and calls on fans to share music with friends and family because “the best artists are being suppressed and shadowbanned by the industry,” the website claims.


What are your thoughts on the state of country music?

Are artists being suppressed?

Or is the genre just changing and it is hard from some to grasp?