Daughter Replaces Family Photos With Crayon Drawings One By One, Parents Don’t Notice For 11 Days

Kristen Vogler is the prankster of her family – and though most of her pranks are innocent, there was one that she’s been dying to pull, but never had the time – until the Coronavirus hit.

Kristen decided to use the quarantine to take a wall, full of family photos, and replace them with replicas, drawn with crayon.

Vogler replaced one photo per day with a hand drawn picture. F or a total of eleven days, Kristen replaced a photo, each day…  and even though she thought she would get caught, several times, she didn’t.  NO ONE NOTICED.  It wasn’t until day eleven that her family noticed -and they had a good laugh about it.

What was your funniest prank?  Are you pulling surprises with each other more, now?

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