If you’ve never tried it, it feels really good.  That’s where I did it, in Plainfield

Next time you’re at Aldi, or anywhere the shopping cart must be unlocked with a refunded quarter, try CART KARMA.

The idea is to leave your quarter in your cart (that’s right, NOT get it back); so that the next person gets to feel a little treat.

I have been doing this for about two years, now.  Sometimes, I have to laugh, because I get a frowny “you’re so dumb” face, from a non-smiling person.  But most every time, I get a big smile from a harried mom, with two little kids (who needs to land them in a cart, fast)…  or a senior who really needed to just hang on to that cart, right away…  or just someone who gets it – and says they do it, too.

And it only cost me 25 cents.  But I got back sssoooooo much more.

Pay it forward.  Cart Karma feels really good.  ~ Mo

[PS – Maybe we should change the spelling to “Cart Carma.”]

UPDATE:  I see you doing it, with me, at the Aldi near Louis Joliet Mall!!!

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