Baby Names for 2023 Are Trending Like This…
Gender Neutral or Traditional Baby Names Are 2023’s Trend 
Name expert Colleen Slagen says that gender neutral names and last names, used as first names, are the big trends, this year.

Slagen says popular 2023 name include:  Sutton, Miller, and Brooke.  Margot, Eloise, and August are more “heirloom,” traditional choices.

Some strategies for selecting the perfect name include using a vintage name, using a surname as a first name, picking a gender neutral monicker, or picking a longer name that can be shortened into a lovable nickname.

I think one thing people are really interested in is how popular a name is,” Slagen says.  “You can easily look up a name on a social security website and see how much it’s been used.”

Pick up a little more, here:  (Study Finds)


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